Archware - Africa's Leading Software Development Company

Joining us means growth. It also means great responsibility.

We are constantly on the look out for distinctive individuals with exceptional skill sets who are passionate about changing Africa through tech-based innovations and dedicated to becoming a part of the new African story.

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We are constantly on the lookout for distinctive individuals with exceptional skill sets who are passionate about changing Africa through tech-based innovations and dedicated to becoming a part of the new African story.
We operate a culture that encourages everyone to think creatively and offer innovations that can move our Group forward and, by extension, our nation and continent. Collectively, we are responsible for living our corporate values and ethics, being the bedrock of our organisation.
With impeccable employee development programs to support you through life’s transitions, we care for our own as a family. We also consider our employees as investments for a better society. We respect our ties with them and keep in touch as they traverse through life.
All of our employees receive specialized training, coaching, and mentorship that is created with their interests in mind and in accordance with their peculiar individual needs. Our strong succession plan and career progression framework guarantee growth opportunities with clearly defined eligibility criteria, as well as a solid foundation to take on new responsibilities.
We value our employees’ overall well-being, and our compensation philosophy is thorough and well-rounded, incorporating our core values. Our base benefits package is extremely competitive and includes full family health plans, life insurance, paid time off, competitive salaries, and more.
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Basic skills, ability to work hard, determination and honesty towards the craft are the four simple things needed to excel at work. you know the rest of it (which is quite a lot) just happens to fall in place. At Archware Group, we provide you with an enabling environment to reach your maximum potential, surrounded by intelligent forward-looking people who share the same passion for making an impact.

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