Food Bank

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Maslow, in his hierarchy of needs, categorizes the need for food as the most basic physiological need critical or crucial to human existence. Suffice it to say that a hungry man or woman, for instance, cannot think of entrepreneurship or education, or national development until that basic need is met.

All over the world, an estimated 821 million people struggle with habitual hunger. That’s 44 million further than the expected projection despite the relinquishment of the sustainable development goals to end hunger by 2030. Multidimensional poverty and hunger are intertwined. Multidimensional poverty is significant in all the major regions across Africa.

This calls for rapid action by food bank organisations across the world to intensify efforts in pulling Africa out of multidimensional poverty and hunger. We strongly believe Food is essential to human existence, which is why we are determined to create tech-based platforms that will allow food to get to those that need it.

Our tech-based food bank seeks to alleviate hunger and combat aspects of multidimensional poverty by delivering food savings, partnerships, loans, and markets.

We Believe Every Home Should Have Basic Three Square Meals

That’s why, at Archware Food Bank, our initiatives are designed to cater for the needs of your home, the broader food needs of the African communities and the planet – by working to provide billion-dollar investments in sustainable storage systems to reduce produce waste, rural infrastructure, transportation and Urban access to fresh food directly from farm and more.

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Causes That Need Your Help

Food partnership

Food Partnership

Archware food bank is committed to fighting multi-level poverty, malnutrition, and hunger, through targeted programs that seek to improve the accessibility of food in underserved communities in Africa. As a dynamic partnership organization, we partner with individuals, religious organizations, corporate entities, and countries across Africa to open food banks across the continent. Working with these unique stakeholders helps us take on some of the pressing regional challenges of hunger and poverty.

Food Loans

Part of our initiative is to source food loans to strengthen critical supply chains and food systems across Africa. This program guarantees loans of up to $40 million for qualified organisations and individuals to finance food systems projects, specifically for the start-up or expansion of activities in the middle of the food supply chain.

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Food Market

Different research has proven that Africa can feed its region's fast-growing urban population if it can expand its farmer's access to more capital, electricity, a good transportation system, better technology, and irrigated land to grow high-value nutritious food. Our food banking network across Africa targets the immediate short and long-term needs of vulnerable communities in major regions across the continent.

We are currently building a database of over 20,000 registered volunteers to help us with our work across Africa. Our work also focuses on organizing entrepreneurship training and job placement programs that help our beneficiaries become more self-reliant.

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Tech-Based Food Solutions

With the going global warming and constant mutating pandemic outbreaks, the need for healthy, convenient, minimally processed, and varied food products are increasingly on the rise. Our food innovation service is targeted at using robots, GPS technology, and Smartphone apps to improve food production processes. To assist farmers to maximize their capacity, we introduce Moisture and temperature sensors which help monitor the soil for farmers to make the best decisions on planting and watering. We also help with the use of aerial images to monitor the health of the crops from above to find areas of concern for a quick fix.

Ready To Be Part of a Global Food Initiative?

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